
D2 How To Add Socket To Unique

How to add together Socket to D2R Unique Items

  1. Via the Larzuk quest in Act V, once per difficulty level.
  2. Larzuk will add maximum sockets to white items, ane-2 sockets at random to blue items, 1 to rare and unique items.
  3. Fix Items and Unique items cannot have sockets added to them via the Horadric Cube.
  4. Unique items cannot be turned into runewords. Runewords can just be made in items with gray text.

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Larzuk Quest in Deed Five

You tin utilise to add sockets to items in D2R is past completing the "Siege on Harrogath" quest for Larzuk in Act 5. To finish this quest, yous will need to search The Bloody Foothills for Shenk the Overseer and kill him. Afterward that's complete, return to Larzuk, and he will offer you the ability to socket an particular. You tin can do this once per difficulty (Normal, Nightmare, Hell) for a full of three socket quests per character.

D2R Add Socket to Unique

The number of sockets Larzuk puts in your items depends on the rarity and item level.

  • Unique, Set, and Rare items – 1 Socket
  • Magic items – 1-two Sockets (random)
  • White/Grey items – Maximum amount of sockets based on item level

One of the more confusing aspects to empathize most the number of sockets Larzuk grants is the item level for white and gray items. The detail level is calculated based on the monster level that drops the item.

In short, a Crystal Sword found in the Claret Moor on Normal difficulty will go iii sockets from Larzuk. One found in the Claret Moor on Nightmare volition get four sockets. One time you get to the Frigid Highlands on Hell Difficulty, a Crystal Sword from there volition roll six sockets from Larzuk.

Sockets Number past Level

Item Ilvl one-25 Ilvl 26-40 Ilvl 41+
Bone Knife one 1 1
Buckler 1 ane i
Burnt Wand 1 1 1
Dagger one 1 1
Defender ane 1 one
Dirk i 1 1
Mithril Point 1 ane 1
Poignard 1 1 1
Rondel 1 i 1
Wand one 1 i
Yew Wand 1 1 ane
Circlet 1 two two
Coronet 1 two two
Diadem 1 2 three
Tiara i ii 3
Armet ii 2 2
Ataghan 2 2 ii
Barbed Shield 2 2 2
Basinet ii ii ii
Battle Cestus 2 2 ii
Blade 2 ii 2
Bloodlord Skull two 2 2
Bone Helm ii two 2
Bone Shield ii 2 2
Bone Wand two 2 2
Cantor Bays 2 two 2
Cap/hat 2 2 ii
Casque 2 2 2
Cestus 2 2 two
Concatenation Postal service 2 2 2
Club 2 2 2
Cudgel 2 two 2
Cutlass 2 2 2
Demon Caput 2 2 2
Demonhide Armor two 2 2
Elegant Blade 2 2 2
Falcata 2 2 2
Falchion two 2 2
Fascia two 2 2
Fetish Trophy 2 ii 2
Field Plate ii 2 2
Flanged Mace 2 2 ii
Full Helm 2 2 2
Gargoyle Head two two 2
Ghost Armor 2 2 2
Ghost Wand ii 2 2
Behemothic Conch ii ii ii
Gladius ii ii two
Grave Wand 2 2 2
Grim Captain 2 2 ii
Grim Shield two 2 ii
Grim Wand 2 2 two
Hand Axe 2 2 2
Mitt Scythe 2 2 two
Difficult Leather Armor 2 two 2
Hatchet ii 2 2
Hatchet Hands 2 ii ii
Heater 2 2 2
Heirophant Bays 2 two 2
Hellspawn Skull two 2 2
Captain 2 2 2
Hydra Edge 2 2 2
Hydraskull 2 2 2
Jo Staff ii 2 2
Katar 2 2 2
Leather Armor two 2 ii
Legend Spike two ii 2
Lich Wand 2 2 2
Luna 2 2 2
Mace ii 2 2
Mighty Scepter 2 2 2
Minion Skull 2 ii 2
Mummified Trophy 2 2 ii
Overseer Skull ii two 2
Petrified Wand 2 2 2
Plate Mail 2 2 2
Polished Wand 2 2 two
Preserved Head 2 2 2
Quilted Armor 2 2 ii
Reinforced Mace 2 2 2
Round Shield 2 2 2
Rune Scepter 2 two two
Saber 2 two 2
Sallet ii 2 2
Scale Postal service two 2 ii
Scepter 2 2 2
Scimitar 2 ii 2
Serpentskin Armor 2 2 2
Sexton Bays two two ii
Shako 2 2 2
Shamshir 2 2 2
Brusk Staff 2 2 two
Brusk Sword 2 2 ii
Skull Cap two 2 ii
Minor Shield 2 2 2
Spiked Order two 2 2
Spiked Shield 2 2 2
Splint Mail 2 2 2
Stilleto 2 2 ii
Studded Leather ii 2 2
Succubae Skull ii 2 2
Tomahawk 2 ii 2
Tomb Wand 2 two 2
Trellised Armor two 2 two
Truncheon 2 2 2
Tulwar 2 2 ii
Unearthed Wand 2 two 2
Unraveller Head 2 two 2
Walking Stick two 2 2
State of war Fist 2 2 2
State of war Hat 2 ii 2
Wrist Blade 2 two 2
Wrist Spike 2 ii two
Zombie Head 2 2 two
Os Visage 2 2 3
Corona 2 2 3
Crown 2 2 three
Death Mask 2 two 3
Demonhead ii two 3
One thousand Crown ii 2 3
Great Captain two two iii
Mask two ii 3
Spired Helm 2 ii 3
Winged Helm 2 2 3
Alpha Helm two 3 3
Antlers 2 3 3
Assault Helmet 2 three 3
Avenger Guard ii 3 3
Blade Talons two 3 3
Claret Spirt 2 iii 3
Carnage Captain two 3 three
Cinquedeas 2 3 iii
Claws 2 3 three
Conquerer Crown 2 three 3
Destroyer Helm two 3 3
Dream Spirit 2 3 3
Earth Spirit 2 3 3
Falcon Mask 2 three 3
Fanged Helm 2 3 3
Fanged Knife two 3 3
Feral Claws two 3 iii
Fury Visor two 3 3
Greater Claws two three 3
Greater Talons 2 3 3
Griffon Headress 2 3 3
Guardian Crown 2 3 three
Hawk Helm 2 3 3
Horned Helm ii 3 3
Hunter's Guise two 3 3
Jawbone Cap 2 3 3
Jawbone Visor 2 iii 3
Kriss 2 3 3
Lion Helm 2 iii 3
Quhab 2 three 3
Rage Mask 2 three 3
Runic Talons two iii 3
Sacred Feathers two 3 three
Savage Helmet 2 three 3
Pair of scissors Katar two iii 3
Scissors Quhab two three iii
Scissors Suwayyah ii 3 three
Sky Spirit 2 3 3
Slayer Baby-sit ii 3 3
Spirit Mask 2 3 iii
Sun Spirit two 3 3
Suwayyah two 3 3
Totemic Mask ii iii 3
Wolf Caput two 3 iii
Wrist Sword 2 3 3
Clasped Orb 2 3 3
Cloudy Sphere 2 iii iii
Crystalline Globe 2 3 3
Demon Centre 2 3 3
Dimensional Shard two three three
Dragon Rock ii 3 3
Eagle Orb 2 3 3
Eldritch Orb 2 3 3
Glowing Orb 2 3 three
Heavenly Stone 2 3 3
Sacred Globe two 3 3
Smoked Sphere 2 iii 3
Sparkling Ball 2 three 3
Swirling Crystal 2 three 3
Vortex Orb ii 3 iii
Aboriginal Shield three 3 3
Ancient Sword 3 iii 3
Arbalest 3 iii 3
Spinous Club iii 3 iii
Bardiche 3 three 3
Blade Barrier 3 iii 3
Breast Plate iii 3 3
Cuirass 3 three iii
Devil Star iii 3 three
Dragon Shield 3 3 three
Edge Bow iii 3 iii
Espadon 3 iii 3
Gothic Shield 3 three 3
K Scepter 3 3 3
Holy Water Sprinkler 3 three 3
Hyperion 3 3 3
Hyperion Spear 3 3 three
Jagged Star 3 3 iii
KhalimFlail 3 3 iii
Kite Shield 3 three three
Large Shield 3 3 3
Legend Sword 3 3 3
Light Crossbow 3 three three
Calorie-free Plate 3 3 iii
Linked Mail service 3 3 3
Lochaber Axe 3 three 3
Long Staff iii iii 3
Mage Plate 3 3 iii
Mesh Armor three 3 three
Morning Star 3 iii iii
Mythical Sword iii 3 3
Ogre Axe 3 three 3
Pavise three 3 3
Pellet Bow 3 3 3
Quarterstaff three 3 iii
Band Mail three 3 3
Russet Armor three iii iii
Scutum three three 3
Seraph Rod 3 three 3
Sharktooth Armor 3 3 iii
Short Bow 3 three 3
Spear 3 3 3
Spider Bow 3 3 3
Stalagmite iii three 3
SuperKhalimFlail three 3 3
Templar Coat 3 3 3
Tigulated Post 3 three 3
Tower Shield 3 3 iii
Troll Nest 3 iii 3
Two-Handed Sword iii iii 3
Tyrant Club 3 3 iii
War Spear 3 3 3
War Sword iii 3 3
Wirt'due south Leg iii 3 3
Custodianship 3 three 4
Monarch iii 3 iv
Ward 3 3 four
Aerin Shield 3 4 4
Akaran Rondache three 4 4
Akaran Targe 3 four 4
Ancient Armor 3 4 iv
Kurast Shield 3 4 iv
Archon Plate iii four 4
Balrog Bract 3 4 4
Balrog Skin 3 four iv
Bastard Sword 3 4 4
Boxing Hammer iii 4 4
Boxing Sword 3 4 4
Bill 3 four 4
Bract Bow 3 four 4
Boneweave 3 4 four
Broad Sword three 4 iv
Champion Sword 3 four iv
Chaos Armor 3 iv 4
Claymore 3 4 4
Colossus Voulge 3 4 four
Composite Bow three 4 4
Conquest Sword 3 4 4
Crossbow three four iv
Crown Shield 3 4 four
Cryptic Sword 3 iv 4
Dacian Falx iii four 4
Diamond Post three four 4
Double Bow 3 four iv
Dusk Shroud 3 4 4
Embossed Plate three 4 4
Full Plate Post 3 4 4
Fuscina 3 4 iv
Behemothic Sword 3 four 4
Gorgon Crossbow iii 4 4
Gothic Plate three four 4
Gothic Sword iii 4 four
Slap-up Bow three 4 four
Keen Hauberk iii 4 four
Guilded Shield 3 four 4
Hellforged Plate 3 4 4
Heraldic Shield 3 4 4
Highland Bract 3 4 4
Hunter's Bow iii 4 4
Kraken Shell 3 4 4
Lacquered Plate 3 4 4
Legendary Mallet 3 4 4
Long Sword iii 4 4
Loricated Mail 3 4 4
Ornate Armor 3 iv 4
Protector Shield 3 4 4
Razor Bow 3 four four
Rondache 3 four iv
Royal Shield 3 4 4
Rune Sword 3 four 4
Sacred Armor 3 4 4
Sacred Rondache 3 four 4
Sacred Targe 3 four iv
Scarab Husk 3 4 4
Shadow Plate 3 4 four
Siege Crossbow iii 4 iv
Stygian Pike 3 iv 4
Targe 3 4 4
Trident 3 4 4
Tusk Sword 3 4 4
Vortex Shield 3 4 4
Voulge 3 4 four
State of war Hammer 3 4 4
Wire Fleece 3 4 4
Wyrmhide three 4 iv
Zakarum Shield 3 4 4
Ashwood Bow three 4 five
Battle Scythe iii 4 5
Brandistock 3 iv five
Cedar Bow 3 four 5
Chu-Ko-Nu three four 5
Colossal Sword three iv 5
Cryptic Axe 3 4 5
Demon Crossbow 3 iv 5
Diamond Bow iii iv five
Flail 3 4 5
Flamberge 3 four 5
Hellforge Hammer three 4 5
Knout 3 4 5
Long Bow 3 4 five
Mancatcher 3 4 v
Matriarchal Bow 3 4 five
Partizan iii 4 5
Poleaxe 3 four 5
Repeating Crossbow 3 4 5
Rune Bow three iv five
Scourge 3 four 5
Scythe 3 4 5
Shadow Bow 3 4 5
Short Battle Bow 3 4 five
Short Siege Bow three 4 5
Short State of war Bow 3 4 v
Stag Bow 3 4 5
Thresher three 4 5
War Fork three 4 5
Ward Bow iii 4 v
Zweihander 3 4 5
Ceremonial Bow 3 4 5
Grand Matron Bow 3 4 five
Reflex Bow iii 4 v
Balista three 4 6
Bec-de-Corbin 3 4 6
Ceremonial Pike 3 4 6
Ceremonial Spear 3 4 6
Colossus Blade 3 4 six
Colossus Crossbow iii iv six
Crusader Bow 3 4 half dozen
Crystal Sword 3 iv six
Dimensional Bract 3 four half dozen
Executioner Sword 3 4 six
Ghost Spear iii 4 vi
Behemothic Thresher 3 iv half dozen
Gothic Bow 3 4 6
Great Maul 3 4 6
Great Poleaxe 3 4 6
Dandy Sword 3 iv 6
Grim Scythe 3 four half-dozen
Halberd 3 4 vi
Heavy Crossbow 3 4 6
Hydra Bow 3 4 6
Lance iii 4 vi
Long Boxing Bow 3 iv half-dozen
Long Siege Bow iii iv vi
Long War Bow 3 iv 6
Maiden State highway 3 four six
Maiden Spear 3 4 6
Martel de Fer 3 4 half dozen
Matriarchal Pike iii 4 6
Matriarchal Spear 3 iv 6
Maul iii 4 6
Ogre Maul three 4 6
Phase Blade 3 4 6
Pike three 4 6
Spetum three four six
Thunder Maul iii 4 6
War Club 3 iv 6
War Expressway 3 4 6
State of war Scythe three four 6
Yari three 4 6
Caduceus 3 5 5
Divine Scepter 3 5 5
War Scepter iii five 5
Axe 4 4 4
Battle Staff four 4 4
Cedar Staff 4 iv 4
Cleaver 4 four 4
Elder Staff 4 4 four
Feral Axe 4 4 iv
Gnarled Staff 4 iv 4
Gothic Staff 4 4 4
Large Axe 4 4 four
Military Axe 4 4 4
Shillelah four four 4
Small-scale Crescent iv 4 4
Boxing Axe 4 v 5
Bearded Axe 4 5 5
Broad Axe 4 5 five
Decapitator iv v 5
Double Axe 4 5 5
Ettin Axe four 5 5
Silver Edged Axe iv 5 5
Tabar 4 five 5
Twin Axe four 5 5
Aboriginal Axe 4 5 6
Berserker Axe 4 5 6
Champion Axe iv 5 6
Crowbill 4 5 half dozen
Giant Axe iv five 6
Glorious Axe 4 5 vi
Gothic Axe 4 5 6
Great Axe four 5 6
Military Option four 5 6
Naga 4 5 6
War Axe 4 five 6
War Spike 4 five 6
Archon Staff v half-dozen 6
Rune Staff 5 half-dozen 6
State of war Staff v half-dozen 6

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D2 How To Add Socket To Unique,


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