Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)

TMJ disorders may crusade jaw pain, neck pain, headaches, and earaches, to proper name a few symptoms. These symptoms can be nearly persistent at times, interfering with your everyday life and overall comfort. Your jaw joint is complicated, considering many doctors don't empathize how it functions or how it connects to the residue of the body. Equally a issue, patients are referred from medico to doctor without receiving any real answers or pain relief.

Dr. Shab Krish is all too familiar with this struggle. Her own experience with chronic hurting prompted her to focus solely on TMJ and sleep disorders patients. She is dedicated to helping people repossess their lives past determining the true cause of their sad symptoms and developing recovery plans that provide long-term results.

We've put together a quiz to help you figure out whether TMJ disorder is the origin of your jaw pain. But respond to the following questions to receive your results right abroad!

Do y'all clamp or grind your teeth?
Practise you experience facial pain or tenderness?
How often practice you experience ear pain or earaches?
How oftentimes do you experience headaches?
Have yous ever experienced hurting while chewing?
When opening and closing your mouth, does your jaw make a sound (e.thousand. clicking or popping)?
Do y'all frequently endure from neck or back pain?
Accept you lot e'er experienced hurting or numbness in your lower jaw?
Do y'all ever have trouble opening your mouth (your jaw locking up)?
Have you been to multiple doctors to address your pain?